acrylic and mixed media
on 60″x96″ canvas
here i declare #poempaintings for i am not one or the other.
when in poem i seek markings of life.
when in painting
my markings are often poetic pieces of physical depth.
r u looking or reading
feeling or thinking
can u do both
which ones good
this is hard
i darken so i can lighten later, i pull, so i can push after.. drip so i can declare purposeful form by accident one later. back n forth and away we go..
bigger canvas needs bigger love. bigger size bigger experience. experience= time. markings are experiences. the painting IS time. from afar they seem monochromatic and peaceful.. get closer to understand the happenings of time.
size presented its challenges. how 2 b everywhere @ once mostly. it’s a brain scramble that my mind enjoys because i always win. i’ve always been a better doer than thinker.
it only became beautiful
it only became ITSELF
when deconstructed.
when it was shown 1st
in order 2 b here
the sum of its total parts
was never @ threat
was never cumulative.
it was the liberation
that made that bitch shine.
to assumed
July 11, 2024