
painting #154

2024 acrylic and mixed media on 60"x96" canvas   here i declare #poempaintings for i am not one or the other. when in poem i seek markings of life. when in painting my markings are often poetic pieces of physical depth. r u looking or reading feeling or thinking can u do both which ones good this...


painting #152

2023 image transfer, letraset, mixed on 48″x48″ canvas   TRANSITION OBVIOUS u will find unapologetic FORM for the first time here. or at least form not being completely annihilated. there are bold remnants. perhaps a letting go. THE FEAR. the close to 50 SURRENDER. knowing its gonna happen anyway so u may as well rest into...


painting #151

2023 acrylic, ink, mixed on 40"x60" canvas   literal transition piece...


painting #150

2022 acrylic. mixed on 40"x60" canvas The Jankowski Collection, S.I., New York   circles because fear. fear of skies at beaches and open and endless spaces. smells like death and the circle is its orange. geometry calls upon safety. amorphousness sits comfortable amid chaos and mind. u can see the circles above and beneath the pant. it was once...


painting #149

2022 acrylic, mixed 24″x30″ canvas   small but mighty. the lines btw masterpiece and nonsense are thinner than things most thin -they are without poetry. apply/remove/comeback and dance motion brush eye it was my very first time. i surrendered. to something outside my conscious craving manipulation and need for happy little trees and june cleaver living. i sat with what was and it started...


painting #147

2021 acrylic 60″x40″ canvas   with more violet orchard magenta than meets the camera i realize so close to disaster sits magnificance. i realize I’m a surgeon with a paint brush. Some patients are goners before even seeing me. Some have all the potential in the world; 1second the performance romantic and visceral… with mental gibber accolading oneself to floods. the next flat lines and...


painting #146

2021 acrylic, ink, pastels 72"x60" canvas   i can go too far too often passing points of good because i never liked good -creating mass destruction of uncertain ends. lots of refuse and sometimes brilliance. good thing statistics never turned me on.  ...


painting #145

2021 acrylic on 60″x 72″ canvas   cosmos n things of past make matte steel gray that seem more blue w hours intensify as you wait to judge her. you can not. this bitch 4 certain does not give 1 silent or deafening fuck its true...